BSA – Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting is an important annual giving campaign for the Boy Scouts of America. Each Scout council must raise all its own operating funds. Friends of Scouting is one of Circle Ten Council’s largest sources of income and helps provide the necessary funds to ensure a quality Scouting program and support to over 750 units just like ours. Please take just a few minutes prior to our meeting to view the FOS Fact Sheet and two-minute Scouting video (at bottom of that page) at the following link to better understand why your support is so important:
A target donation per family is $300, which is what it costs Circle Ten Council to provide Scouting to one youth each year. Some will be able to give more, others less, but any amount is certainly appreciated and welcomed. The goal is to have each family in our unit give something to support the Scouting program that benefits your Scout and family.
Pledge cards will also be distributed during the presentation. Your contribution may be spread out over the entire next year. Please check with your employer to see if they offer a matching gift program which can double your donation!
As parents, all of us want our children to have a great education, be safe and happy, develop into responsible citizens and learn duty to God. Scouting is the perfect tool to help your children have better lives and prepare them for tomorrow’s challenges! Please contemplate the value of Scouting to your family and to other families as you make your pledge to the Friends of Scouting Campaign.
Pledge Card available here. (Please return to the Troop leaders or local council)